Friday, September 15, 2023

Jasrati AiEbookMaker

Please note that the program archive includes only readme file with the registration instructions! Have you ever dreamt of writing an Ebook, but found yourself hindered by lack of time, energy, or the daunting face of the blank page? Experience the power of advanced Ai technology! Craft a beautifully composed Ebook on any topic or genre in mere minutes. Using Jasrati Ebook Maker you can create books in any genre you want. The powerful system will write any type of ebook you want and turn you into an ebook publisher overnight. Create a best seller in three clicks: STEP ONE: Enter your project name, choose the category or create a new one. Decide on the words per chapter and how many chapters you require. Add the topic you want to book to be about. Then choose your audience and writing tone. That's click one! STEP TWO: The system will generate ten ideas for book titles, choose the one you want to use or click regen for another ten ideas. You can also manually edit any of the titles if you like one but just want it to be a little different. Choose the title click next...that's click two. STEP THREE: The system then outlines the book. Again you can add or edit anything you wish and also "regen" the whole outline. Then click next and the system goes off and works its magic to start building your ebook. That's click three! Your new book Is ready for publishing! Will I need an OpenAI API key? Yes! You will need access to the API key from OpenAI. This controls everything the system does. Obtaining an OpenAI API key is free of charge. New users signing up for the free trial are awarded a $5 (USD) credit. Bear in mind, however, that this credit will expire after a three-month period. Once you've exhausted your credit or it expires, you will need to provide billing details to maintain use of your chosen API.

from Giveaway of the Day

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