Monday, October 16, 2017 is a web-application that provides web-designers and web-developers with animated images that indicate the process of loading content in the background (so called AJAX loaders). The web-site provides more than 800 free and premium loading animation templates that can be modified from within the project through a special generator form that can change image type, colors, size, animation speed, frames amount and a lot more. NB: The winners will get 1 year unlimited account. The 1 year unlimited account enables you to download existing source files for all animations for 1 calendar year after purchase. Redistribution, resale or provision of the account to third parties is strictly prohibited - violation of this rule will lead to revokation of all licenses registered within the purchased subscription period. Note that you must indicate the web-site, company name or an application name that applies the commercial use license, within the year after the subscription. The registered licenses have no expiration date.

from Giveaway of the Day

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